On the afternoon of April 12th, 2020 close to lunch my family went on a walk on our property.
When we got to the Sapsucker spot I, of course, checked where it's usually pecking but did not see it. This is usually the case after 9:00 am because it stops feeding at that tree and moves on.
When we got to the middle of the trail where there is a big clearing, we sat on the benches for a bit and I walked around the small pond then started making my way up the trail.
When we got to the spot where we saw the Fox Sparrow flipping over the leaves the other day I heard and saw nothing, except a Ruffed Grouse thumping away on a log somewhere in the bush which was pretty cool. When we got to another bush farther up the trail I heard some rustling in the leaves so I stopped and looked for a minute and finally discovered two Fox Sparrows flipping over the leaves but when I went on they flew away in the direction of where we saw them yesterday.
After, I turned right and walked down a pathway where I saw the male Eastern Bluebird, and in the middle of the walkway I heard something pecking away. I looked up and saw that it was a Downey Woodpecker.
I was going up the middle of the trail and saw one of the Phoebes flying around catching small insects. I stayed around for a few minutes watching him/her fly around, got a few photos then when on, but when I was turning the bend it started raining. That was fine with me but in a few minutes I heard mom calling me to get back, so I took a short cut crossing through the field (on the path of course).
Eastern Phoebe- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 11:40AM |
When I was just in the middle of the path I heard some very loud pecking, and for a moment I thought it was the Downey, but when I looked up in the trees I discovered what it was...
a Pileated Woodpecker!
Pileated Woodpecker- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 11:50AM |
I know some people might see a Pileated Woodpecker almost everyday, and think it's normal and not very special. But where I live, we hear them a lot more than we see them. When we do see them it is only for a second or they're far away, because they're very skittish towards humans and will fly away even if the see you from faraway, but for this guy it was a different story. He/she was letting me get pretty close, letting me get some good views.
But what was really spectacular is that it showed a cool characteristic; it was still raining when I saw the Pileated, it opened its mouth and I thought, "G
reat! Now I can watch it call!" But that did not happen. Instead, it opened its mouth, made no sound and instead he/she drank the water droplets that were falling from the sky! Unfortunately, I couldn't capture that moment on my camera but really what matters is that I got to experience that moment and I'll remember it when I look back when I am older.
Pileated Woodpecker- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 11:50 |
Then I headed back with my mom and my siblings, told them about my finds then we had some lunch, and on the way back I saw a Brown Creeper climbing up a tree!
Shortly after lunch I decided to take another walk. When I got to the Sapsucker spot the Sapsucker was not there, and I didn't even see or hear the Fox Sparrows, though there were better things in store for me.
When I was walking down the fence line (separating my family property and the neighbour's field) I heard a high pitched shrieking sound. I put my head up to the sky and found a pair of Ospreys soaring in the sky, but they were getting out of sight so I ran down the fence to the dead end, where there's a small marshy area, and found the Ospreys again and got a few photos. I watched them until they were gone. That was a new 5-mile bird for the year so I was pretty happy, but I would get happier because there were still two more surprises awaiting me!
Osprey- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 3:30PM |
I had not yet seen a Tree Swallow this year at that time, though they had been showing up and even my dad had seen them. I was looking out for them on wires or seeing if they were gliding and flying in the air but still I had not yet seen them.
Shortly after I had seen the two Ospreys I walked farther down the fence line feeling happy about my find and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something flying above me, so I looked up and found... a Tree Swallow!
I followed it down to the dead end where I lost it! I was bummed, because that was a year bird and a new 5-mile bird for the year, but I stopped at the dead end for a bit and birded there hoping I would see the Tree Swallow. I had no luck and slowly started going back up the trail when suddenly I saw something flying behind me! I looked around and found the Tree Swallow flying towards me, so I ran after it on the main trail where it started swooping and diving, catching bugs and chirping (which I got a recording of) and it even checked out a nesting box!
Tree Swallow- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 3:40PM |
Then it slowly flew away, leaving a very happy Desmond with a few poor record shots!
After I found my brother Jackson, soon followed by my sister and my mom, and we went over to the benches and I told them what happened. I then decided that I would walk the back loop, where I would have my last surprise...
When I when I was at the spot where I had photographed the Tree Swallow I spotted the Tree Swallow, only one thing was different- there was not one, not two but three Tree Swallows! I followed them up the hill where I got a few pics. Afterwards I did the back loop of my property and I flushed a pair of Wood Ducks, saw and heard a few Wood Frogs and Spring Peepers, then I went on until I found a Butterfly, which was later identified as a Milbert's Tortoiseshell. It was the first of the year for me.
Tree Swallow- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 4:00PM |
Wood Frog- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 4:10PM |
Milbert's Tortoiseshell- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 4:20PM |
When I was going to turn the bend I heard something rustling in the field where there were a few trees. I followed the sound and found a beautiful Ruffed Grouse. I stood just staring at it holding in my breath!
Ruffed Grouse- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 4:30PM |
Yes, yes I know they are common and I even heard one this morning, and many people have seen them multiple times and blah blah blah, but usually whenever I see a Grouse they see me first and take off (except at Algonquin) and usually it's just foot prints or scat or your just hear them doing their displays. But, this time I saw it first.. and it was only 20 feet away! Later on I would discover that I was the only one who got a picture of one (that wasn't scat or a foot print) for our yard!
So there I was rooted to the spot staring at the Grouse. It now saw me and was slowly making its way back to the main part of the forest, but then I snapped out of it, got out my camera, got a few photos, then slowly turned my head the other way so the Grouse would not think I had spotted it, but kept my eyes trained on it as I slowly walked past it. Then he/she flew away and I resumed my normal pace and finished my walk.
Ruffed Grouse- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- April 12, 2020, 4:30PM |