Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 Well this will be a quick post, so I'll be done soon.

We went on a walk on our property in the afternoon on May 10th, which was quite fun.

 When we got to the back of the swamp we were greeted by some migrants... 

Least Flycatcher- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- May 10, 2020

Blue-headed Vireo- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- May 10, 2020 

Black-throated Green Warbler- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- May 10, 2020

Black-and-white Warbler- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- May 10, 2020 

Yellow-rumped Warbler- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- May 10, 2020

American Redstar- Guelph Eramosa, Wellington, Ontario- May 10, 2020

Yep, an American Redstart, two Blue-headed Vireos, and a couple Black-and-white Warblers, Black-throated Green Warblers, Yellow-rumped Warblers and one Least Flycatcher.

Throughout May you'll be seeing more posts about these migrants

Not all of the birds would move on, since the Yellow Warblers and American Redstarts are one of the ones that will stay and breed!  

Oh, later in the day we went on a trail called Aboyne Trail in Elora. Beautiful spot, and theses are some of the birds we saw-

Great-crested Flycatcher- Aboyne Trail, Wellington Ontario- May 10, 2020 

Brown Creeper- Aboyne Trail, Wellington Ontario- May 10, 2020 

Yellow-rumped Warbler- Aboyne Trail, Wellington Ontario- May 10, 2020

Done already? Yep done. 

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